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Crafting Seamless Solutions: Empowering Businesses with Robust Backend Development

Ping me now


My name is "Mingne" Minh Nguyen,

I'm a Software Developer

Welcome to my space.

Let's embark exploring through my programming journey

Start now....

Late 2020
Init Technology Solution

And, unexpected, after all, I comeback to Init, Ltd with more challenge and new things to learn

Mid 2018 - 2020
Miss Moneypenny Technologies

Comeback again and start a new job, with a new teams, new teammates and new roles See more

Early 2018
Leaving job for my dreaming trip!

Travel all over Vietnam in about 2 months by my motorcycle. See more

2015 - 2018
Init Technology Solution

I decided INIT would be the first step towards my dream job journey. See more

Graduation & Start my life...🚀

Finally, after all my efforts, I graduated from university


Join HCMC University of Technology and Education (HCMC UTE) at Faculty of Information Technology

High School

Started studying at Nguyen Huu Huan High School


The day I was born!🍼🍼🍼

Some of my latest works

MoMo Wallet

Online payment (Web eCommerce) and POS payment with MoMo eWallet

eKYC & Digital Sign

Implement eKYC for users and digital signing (P12 Cert)

Kafka Integration

Integrate Odoo / Python Backend Service  as Consumer with Kafka Server

VNPay Payment


Cloudflare Worker


Coming Soon..

Under construction...